Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The animal I have chosen for the project is a Seahorse. I picked this animal because every time I go to the zoo and visit the aquarium I find myself intrigued by these amazing fish. Seahorses are found in shallow and tropical environments. They are a boney fish but they don't have scales and their skin is camouflage in color. Theses fish are relatives of the pipe fish. Unlike most animals the males carry the eggs in their pouches until they are fertilized. At that time the sea horses hatch and miniature seahorses are born.  Seahorses are not very good swimmers and in stormy seas they often die of exhaustion. The only way they can propel through the water is with their small fin located on their back. They steer with their two pectoral fins near the back of their head. They use their tail to attach to sea grasses and corals and use their snouts to suck plankton and small crustaceans.

A sculpture of a heraldic depicition of a seahorse, by unknown 19th or 18th century French artist, showcased at the National Maritime Museum in Sydney, Australia, photographed by DO'Neil.

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