Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Questions for Type

_ define the word “grid”
A pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines.

_ why do we (designers) use a grid? what are the benefits or functions?
We use grids to build both complex and austere layouts that enable hierarchy and accessibility through
flexibility and consistency. The grid allows us to use different design elements and have them work in a cohesive manner within a layout.

_ what is a modular grid?
A modular grid has constant horizontal divisions from top to bottom in addition to vertical divisions from left to right.

_ define and illustrate: margins, columns, grid modules. flowlines, gutter
Margins: the space that surrounds the content of a page. It helps divide where the text begins and ends.
Columns: Vertical blocks of content positioned on a page, separated by gutters and rules.

Grid Modules: Individual units of space that are separated by regular intervals. They are the basic building blocks of grids. They create columns and rows when repeated.

Flowlines: Horizontal lines that break the space into horizontal bands. They can be used to help guide the eye across the page and can be used to impose starting and stopping points for text and images to be aligned.

Gutter: The inside margins or blank space between two facing pages. It is extra space allowance used to accommodate the binding in books and magazines.

_ define hierarchy
An arrangement of items in which the items are represented as being "above", "below", or "at the same level as" on another.

_ define typographic color (this does not mean color as in change it to a color)
It is the relative lightness or darkness of a block of text. The shade is dictated by features including font size, the space between letters (kerning), the space between lines (leading), as well as the font selection itself.

_ what are ways to achieve a clear hierarchy?
Through the proper and conscious implementation of visual prompts that emphasize significant content within the design while gradually minimizing the attention needed for the other elements, whether by exaggerating the size of text or image, by isolating a design element, or by employing additional graphics that call attention to specific place in the layout.

_ define white space
The space where no text or no image exist. (negative space)

_ define contrast
Difference in visual properties that makes an object distinguishable from other objects and the background.

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