Sunday, September 18, 2011

Behance Portfolio

Haven't posted in awhile....

This is just a preview of what I have been slaving away at.

Here is a link to my Behance Portfolio where you can check out my work!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Font Designers

1) Hans Eduard Meier (b. 1922)
Hans Meier designed the sans-serif typeface called Syntax in 1955. This font relates to the Renaissance humanist and it was used as a cast metal typesetting in the market until 1968.
2. Adrian Frutiger (b. 1928)
Adrian is a french typeface designer who designed numerous typefaces including the most well know, Univers. His other typefaces include, Serifa designed in 1967, Frutiger designed in 1975 and Avenir designed in 1988.
3. Howard Kettler (b. 1918)
Howard is most famous for designing the famous font, Courier in 1955. This font became icon when it was chosen as the font to be printed on a standardized typewritter.
4. Ed Denguiat (b. 1927)
A united states designer who worked at companies like esquire and photo-lettering inc.. In his work he is responsible for producing 600+ typefaces. For example, Souvenir, Tiffany, and Bauhaus.
5. Erik Spiekermann (b. 1947)
First designed the typeface, Meta, and later went on to become the directer of a type company, Fontshop, which he created.

1) Paul Renner (1878-1956)
Paul was inspired by geometry, which lead him to create the typeface Futura that was created using geometric figures.
2. Claude Garamond (1510-1561)
Claude Garamond is know for cutting Greek type, which Robert Slimback later went on to be use to create the 1989 Adobe Garamond.
3. Bruce Rogers (1870-1957)
In 1914 he created the typeface Centaur, first by hand in ink and then later drawing in italics. He was also known for creating bibliophile books.
4. Stanley Morison (189-1967)
Original creator of the Times New Roman and co-founder of the Fleuron Societ, where he published and edited The Fleuron, a journal of typography.
5. William Caslon (1692-1766)
William Caslon, inspired by the old classic typefaces in the Netherlands, went on to create and name a typeface after himself, Caslon.

(used a Graphic Designed Referenced book)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

30 Minute Type Excersise

This was a 30 minute exercise we had to do for my Visc 202 class. We were given 30 minutes to find text in our surroundings. We used the school news paper and we folded the edges to create the letters.

Visc 202 Questions

Adrian Frutiger:

Adrian is a famous typeface designer from the 20th century, who is responsible for creating the typeface Univers and Frutiger. Univers is a unique type in that it is a tight type family that had different weights of type and were classified by numbers describing this weight. This type has even strokes, large x-height which helps with legibility in both big and small sizes.

Universe Grid:

The Univers grid was introduced along with the typeface in 1957. It represents the different labels for the typeface instead of writing out bold, heavy, light, ect. The numbers refer to the character weight, number 2 represents the thinnest weight the weight increases as the number increases. Number 3 is the widest with 9 being the most condensed. Even numbers mean the typeface is italic and odd numbers mean it is roma.
