Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Found many artist books online and they inspired me. I am hoping to use some elements from these books in my own book.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mood Board

This is my Mood Board for Cross Country Skiing!

Color Scheme

I use this awesome online service made my Adobe to create my books color scheme!
All I did was upload one of my photos from the experience...and it does the rest.

Word List

Cross Country Skiing

After traveling to Reno, NV and then an hour to Spooner Lake my family and I got out of our car to take their first breathe of the cold crisp Tahoe air. My mom looks over at me and says, "Take a deep breath, this is the cleanest air you will ever breathe." It's true the air did seem very clean. It snowed over 100 inches that weekend, on top of what seemed like 5 feet of snow that was already there.

My parents rented a small log cabin about 1 mile from Spooner Lake, where there was no running water or electricity. I had full intentions of snow shoeing to the cabin, but after seeing some people on cross country ski's the choice seemed simple. I was hoping to doing my project of snow shoeing, but then I changed my mind.

I love the beautiful patterns that the skis made in the fresh snow.

Another thing I loved was the shadows that cascaded off of everything in the surrounding forest and even the people as they skied.

Then I loved the natural elements and pops of color you could find in the forest along the trails.

Lastly I was inspired by the skis and polls themselves because of their shape, size and graphics.

Downhill/Cross Country/Skating

Final Poster

After many edits my final poster is complete and I am very pleased with the results, after 1 mistake print it is complete.

I even tried to get recruited to become an ID major!

Treehouse Model

Here are some of my early models of my treehouse, made out of bristol paper.

This last model lead to my very last model where I incorporated paper mache to achieve a more refined look for the inside of the model. This model is place in a mini model of my tree that has many of the major branches of the tree in it.