Monday, September 27, 2010

Progress 9-23-10

After doing a lot of my sketches of the object I feel like I understand the object better. It is interesting now that even thought are object is presented more abstractly I can still see the original object come through. I think that after doing 20 different sketches of each I am getting more comfortable doing designs outside of the box.

Understanding Comic

I really thought that the reading "Understanding Comics"was an interesting comic because it showed visual principals we learn in design in a funny comic way. My favorite page is number two when they are talking about icons because I never really thought about icons as that and never really understood the meanings.  Another concept I learned was that when we simplify our image it still seems as real as the other image it is just simplified.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Design in $5 or less!


How would you use this object?
I use it to clip long nails, and split ends in my hair.
What is good about this object?
It seams durable and like its not going to break.
What could be improved?
I wish you could have a strait edge, not rounded on the edge and I wish it could cut sideways instead of having to hold your hand up and over your fingers.

How would you use this object?
To cut fingernails, remove dirt from under fingernails, and to possibly cut food.
What is good about this object?
It is compact, easy to use, not a hazard, durable and you don't have to worry about replacing them.
What could be improved?
I wish it could pick up fingernail clippings and I wish you could adjust the length you wanted to trim nails to.
How would you use this object?
Cut fingernails, use nail file as screw driver, clean out dirt from fingernails.
What is good about this object?
It is compact, there are no exposed sharp parts, and you don't have to worry about accidentally cutting yourself. 
What could be improved?
This product is a little slippery, maybe you could fix this by adding rubber on where you place your fingers. It would be nice if it could catch fingernail clippings, so you can throw away them later. The spots where you place your fingers could be wider.
How would you use this object?
Mainly use this to cut my nails, but I also use it to cut off price tags off of clothes.
What is good about this object?
It is nice because it always works and it's not to complicated to use.
What could be improved?
I wish that it had better grips for my fingers, it sometimes slips and causes me to miss cut.

How would you use this object?
Trim nails, trim indoor plants, and cut off frayed clothing. 
What is good about this object?
The object collapses, the product is inexpensive (good, especially when you loose them).
What could be improved?
The little pin in the middle sometime comes out and gets lost. I wish they had them in different colors and included a keychain on the end.

IDEO deep dive

I learned that at IDEO there was no one "right man" that the ideas came from, it was more of a collective thing. In order to really learn about a product and help make it have better design you have to talk to the people who really use the product and see it in action. You need to study the product to see its faults.